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Sophia Milen

Title of Program: Political Science and Social Media

E-mail Address:

Hometown: Cleveland, TN

Year: Senior

Anticipated Graduation Date: May 2025

Description of Program:Political Science and Social Media is an interdisciplinary program, designed to investigate the intersection of politics and social media. As part of this program, I study the fields of Political Science, both domestic and international, Public Relations, Advertising, Communications, and Electronic Media. I am seeking to coalesce these fields in a final research project that aims to identify and characterize the use of social media by U.S. politicians.

Departmental Emphases: Department of Political Science, Tombras School of Advertising and Public Relations, and the Howard H. Baker Jr. School of Public Policy and Public Affairs.

Faculty Mentor(s):

  • Dr. Kelly Morrison, Dept. of Political Science
  • Dr. Wayde Marsh, Dept. of Political Science
  • Dr. Jonathan Ring, Baker School of Public Policy and Public Affairs
  • GTA Jackson Scott, Baker School of Public Policy and Public Affairs
  • Dr. Joseph Stabb, Tombras School of Advertising and Public Relations
  • Dr. Maria De Moya, Tombras School of Advertising and Public Relations
Dr. Eleni Palis

Plans After Graduation (career, graduate/professional school, etc.): I have three primary options, all of which appeal to my interests. First, I could stay in Academia, pursue a graduate degree, and become a professor in the fields that I currently study. Second, I could go into agency work, likely taking on a position in Public Affairs or international public relations. Third, I could go into the government, operating in press shops and creating social media for politicians. I am currently leaning towards government or agency work, which would allow me to gain invaluable experience in my field in a short amount of time.

Other Academic Interests: I love contemporary international politics, and I appreciate the study of international law. I find it fascinating how states are ascribed personalities based on their international behavior, as well as how the idea of anarchy characterizes all functions of foreign relations.
Prior Enrollment at Other Colleges or Universities: N/A

Study Abroad:

  • Washington Fellow Program – Over the Summer of 2023, I went on the Washington Fellows Program, hosted by the Baker School. During this trip, I learned a little bit about the lifestyle of those who live in DC, as well as the multitude of career options that I have in agencies, think tanks, and the government. I am especially fond of this trip, because it significantly aided me in narrowing my potential career path.
  • Study Trip to NYC – In January of 2024, I went on a study trip to New York City through the Tombras School of Advertising and Public Relations. On this trip, we talked to specialists in the ADPR world and became familiar with the interior functions of agencies in real time. I appreciated this trip, because it allowed me to understand what the day-to-day is for PR agents.
  • Research Trip to DC – Over the Summer of 2024, I am conducting research on Congressional patterns of social media use as part of my final research project for the College Scholars Program.

Research Experiences or Internships:

  • SachaKayy Social Media Agency Internship – In the Fall of 2022, I held an internship at a local social media agency. The owner of the agency gave me the opportunity to shadow her, as well as help her create and edit some social media content. I mainly learned how to navigate social media branding and editing softwares.
  • Communications Internships, Office of Mayor Indya Kincannon – In the Fall of 2023, I interned in the Communications Office of the City of Knoxville under the Mayor Kincannon Administration. I primarily worked on my public writing skills, publishing three articles under the guidance of the Deputy Director of Communications. I also worked on my social media analytics skills by conducting multiple account audits for their social media accounts.
  • Elderly in the Senate and Social Media – I conducted a small study that defined the relationship between the age of a U.S. Senator and when they created an Instagram account. I found with statistical significance that on average, for every year a senator aged, they waited an additional two months before creating an Instagram account. This led me to conclude that older senators have hesitation in adopting social media partially due to their age, and I theorize that it’s because there is an overarching pattern that older people tend to reject social media use. This was the first step in my final research project, as I am seeking to understand the dynamics between politicians and social media. I would like to thank Dr. Wayde Marsh from the Department of Political Science for helping me with this study, as he developed the code that I used to draw these conclusions.

Part-time Employment; Hobbies; Campus Clubs/Activities:

  • Howard H. Baker Jr. School of Public Policy and Public Affairs, Student Media Coordinator – Since the Spring of 2023, I have worked at the Baker School in the role of Student Media Coordinator. This position entails a variety of duties, including e-newsletter creation, social media content creation, and graphic design, among other things. I love working there, and my coworkers are some of the most amazing people I know!
  • Baker School Student Association – I am the co-founder and president of the Baker School Student Association (BSSA), a student organization prioritizing making public policy digestible for students, providing resources about professionalism within the government sector, and fostering fellowship!
  • Vols Vote – Vols Vote is an on-campus voter registration initiative that provides resources to students on how to register to vote. I volunteer frequently with them, tabling at various events and encouraging voter registration!

Any other information to add?: I encourage any students interested in College Scholars or my fields of study to reach out to me! I respond quickly, I swear. I also encourage students to attend BSSA meetings and volunteer with Vols Vote.

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