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Lucy Langley

Title of Program: Environmental Public Health

E-mail Address:

Hometown: Knoxville, TN

Year: Junior

Anticipated Graduation Date: Spring 2025

Description of Program:Environmental factors play key roles in the physical, mental, and social health of communities. Green spaces can improve mental and physical health, but there are disparities in access. My program seeks to better understand and facilitate landscapes that are equitable, just, and sustainable through design. By utilizing design as an intervention, public health can better address the health challenges that communities face.

Departmental Emphases: Public Health, Sustainable Landscape Design, Sociology

Faculty Mentor(s): Mike Ross

Plans After Graduation (career, graduate/professional school, etc.): I am interested in volunteering with the Peace Corp, specifically, a placement in Guatemala. I am also interested in pursuing a Master of Public Health after graduation.

Other Academic Interests: Food and nutrition security, international food systems sustainable agriculture
Prior Enrollment at Other Colleges or Universities: Pellissippi State Community College

Study Abroad: With the Herbert College of Agriculture, I was able to visit Guatemala in spring of 2022. On a return trip to Guatemala, I also interned with Niños del Lago. I helped develop nutrition and agriculture lessons.

Research Experiences or Internships: I am currently a research assistant in Dr. Laurie Meschke’s RPE lab here at UTK. Our research is focused on sexual violence prevention. Previously, I interned at the University of Tennessee Gardens. I developed an understanding of garden maintenance and management.

Part-time Employment; Hobbies; Campus Clubs/Activities: In my free time, I am a foster care advocate because of my experiences in the system. I’m also big into reading, sketching, and collecting fountain pens. I love aquariums and have a fish named Toothless.

Additional Information: I am involved with various student organizations such as organizations the Plant Sciences Club, Student Basic Needs Coalition (SBNC), and Minorities in Agriculture, Natural Resources, and Related Sciences (MANRRS).

The flagship campus of the University of Tennessee System and partner in the Tennessee Transfer Pathway.