Charles “Matthew” Tarnoff
Charles “Matthew” Tarnoff
Title of Program
User Experience and Creative Writing/Storytelling in Video Games
Johnson City, Tennessee
Description of Program
Utilizing User-Centered Design methods to create interactive experiences in the field of video game design, with the aid of creative writing techniques and storytelling methods. This union ideally creates a fluid, satisfactory product with exceptional gameplay and story design.
Departmental Emphases
English, Information Sciences, Architecture and Design (Ideally)
PPlans After Graduation (career, graduate/professional school, etc.)
Graduate School
Other Academic Interests
Psychology, User-Centered Design, Creative Writing
Prior Enrollment at Other Colleges or Universities
East Tennessee State University
Part-time Employment; Hobbies; Campus Clubs/Activities
Hobbies- Gaming, Reading, Writing, Singing.
Clubs- Martial Arts Club (Taking Kendo and Teaching Tae Kwon Do soon!)