Hayley Simpson
Hayley Simpson
Title of Program
Description of Program
Conservation psychology, a relatively new division of the American Psychological Association, is formally referred to as “the scientific study of the reciprocal relationships between humans and the rest of nature, with the goal of encouraging conservation of the natural world.” This emerging field is inherently interdisciplinary, a synthesis of natural and social sciences that entails an understanding of both the ecological processes occurring in the natural world and the psychological processes that dictate human interaction with the natural world. Within this field, I hope to pursue research regarding the formation of environmental attitudes in early childhood and how those processes can be positively influenced to encourage sustainable behavior within community groups.
Departmental Emphases
PPlans After Graduation (career, graduate/professional school, etc.)
Other Academic Interests
Research Experience or Internships
I am currently an undergraduate research assistant in Dr. Sarah Lamer’s Social Perception and Cognition (SPAC) lab and I completed a fall internship with Beardsley Community Farm. Part-time Employment; Hobbies; Campus Clubs/Activities: Organizations I am involved with on campus include Women’s Coordinating Council, Students Promoting Environmental Action Knoxville (SPEAK), Progressive Student Alliance (PSA), FYS Peer Mentors, Thornton Center Tutors, UTK Psychology Social Media Ambassadors, Honors Leadership Program, Psi Chi, and Phi Beta Kappa. In my free time, I love hiking, practicing yoga, reading, and doing crossword puzzles.